Head-to-Head Player Standings

Release Date: 05-25-2019

* Standing is Round Robin, Head-to-Head Comparison of all Players. Ties broken by H-T-H between tied Players.
# Versus is H-T-H comparison against only those Players they have actually competed against.

                                                       Adjusted                                   Rank  
                                             Compare    Scoring    Versus#   Versus#   Versus#     of   
    Player                     Team          *Record    Average    Top 25     26-50    51-100     Sced
  1 Mark David Johnson [SR]    Coastal GA  1298-   0     70.75      22- 0     24- 0     38- 0    76.10
  2 Car Didrik M. Fosaas [FR]  Keiser      1296-   2     71.50      20- 2     24- 0     37- 0    75.91 
  3 Logan Carver [JR]          UBC         1296-   2     72.60      21- 1     23- 0     30- 0    76.45 
  4 David Meyers [JR]          OK City U.  1294-   4     71.47       6- 1      8- 0     18- 0    76.48 
  5 Eli Scott [FR]             Coastal GA  1294-   4     71.41      18- 4     24- 0     38- 0    76.09 
  6 Lewis Scott [SR]           UNOH        1293-   5     71.38      18- 3     22- 0     36- 0    78.45 
  7 Tyron Davidowitz           TX Wesley   1292-   6     72.02      17- 5     24- 0     33- 0    76.33 
  8 Ty Stites                  OK City U.  1290-   8     72.29      15- 7     25- 0     34- 0    75.99 
  9 Jack Madden [FR]           OK City U.  1289-   9     72.28      14- 9     25- 0     37- 0    76.20 
 10 Rowan Lester [JR]          TX Wesley   1287-  11     71.26      11-11     23- 0     31- 0    76.92 
 11 Cody Booska [SR]           JWU-FL      1287-  11     72.71      12-10     24- 0     36- 0    76.02 
 12 Carter Lewis [JR]          Ottawa AZ   1287-  11     72.73       9- 8     12- 1     20- 0    76.96 
 13 Joe Bannan [JR]            Thomas U.   1286-  12     72.05      12- 9     21- 1     36- 0    76.32 
 14 Alec Dutkowski [SR]        Taylor U.   1283-  15     72.21       9-13     24- 1     39- 0    77.91 
 15 Andrew Harrison [SR]       UBC         1282-  16     72.70       7-15     24- 0     32- 0    76.62 
 16 Futa Yamagishi [SR]        TX Wesley   1281-  17     72.74       7-16     24- 1     35- 0    76.91 
 17 Nicolas Evangelio [FR]     MO Valley   1281-  17     72.57       8-14     23- 1     35- 0    79.02 
 18 Peri'Don Castille [JR]     OK City U.  1278-  20     73.11       4-19     24- 1     37- 0    76.18 
 19 Victor Miron [SO]          TX Wesley   1278-  20     73.06       6-17     23- 2     35- 0    76.91 
 20 Ben Hadden [SR]            KWU         1278-  20     73.43       7-16     23- 1     35- 1    78.92 
 21 Travis Hansen [SO]         LCSC        1274-  24     72.01       0- 0      3- 1      0- 0    78.87 
 22 Jack Faraci [SR]           USCB        1273-  25     72.78       3-18     17- 5     36- 0    76.11 
 23 Benjamin Bailey [FR]       Keiser      1273-  25     73.05       1-21     21- 3     37- 0    75.87 
 24 Mayson Tibbs [SO]          OR Tech     1270-  28     72.61       3-18     15- 7     29- 0    78.28 
 25 Jacob Thomas [FR]          USCB        1269-  29     73.48       4-17     14- 8     35- 1    76.10 
 26 Jackson Lawlor [SO]        Coastal GA  1268-  30     72.61       4-19     17- 6     37- 1    76.07 
 27 Ben Rebne [JR]             Dalton St.  1268-  30     72.16       4-18     11-10     39- 0    76.30 
 28 Ruan Pretorius             Point       1268-  30     73.42       4-18     16- 5     32- 4    77.29 
 29 Robin Conlan               UVIC        1268-  30     74.19       5-18     20- 4     30- 2    76.98 
 30 Matt Smith [JR]            True-McCon  1267-  31     73.08       2-20     14- 7     34- 0    77.53 
 31 Logan Smith [SO]           Wm. Woods   1265-  33     74.13       4-19     20- 1     31- 5    77.37 
 32 Bobby Dunphy [SR]          USCB        1264-  34     73.30       2-20     12- 9     33- 2    76.00 
 33 Gonzal Garcia Parada [JR]  UNOH        1264-  34     73.03       1-21     17- 4     34- 2    78.43 
 34 Tom North [SO]             Wm. Woods   1264-  34     73.95       1-22     14- 7     35- 1    77.37 
 35 Declan Kenny [SO]          TX Wesley   1260-  38     73.46       0-24     13-11     34- 1    76.91 
 36 Peter Thorseth [SR]        St Thom-TX  1257-  41     72.94       2- 9      4- 3     13- 3    77.34 
 37 Bailey Threlkeld [JR]      Wm. Carey   1257-  41     73.35       2-21     12-10     37- 7    76.79 
 38 Steve Landry [SR]          OLLU        1257-  41     74.11       0-23     11-13     30- 0    76.99 
 39 Carson Seals [JR]          OK City U.  1255-  43     73.73       0-24      8-16     35- 2    76.18 
 40 Reece Nilsen [SO]          Rocky Mt.   1254-  44     73.19       1-23      7-16     28- 4    76.86 
 41 Mitchell Thiessen [SO]     Rocky Mt.   1254-  44     74.51       0-23     10-11     28- 0    77.34 
 42 Thomas Froom [FR]          UNOH        1253-  45     73.10       0-22      9-12     33- 3    78.43 
 43 Michael Tait [JR]          Rocky Mt.   1252-  46     73.29       0-24      8-15     27- 5    76.86 
 44 Colby Blake [JR]           Wm. Carey   1250-  48     72.77       0-23      5-17     39- 5    76.80 
 45 Tim Nielsen [FR]           Keiser      1250-  48     74.09       0-23      7-16     30- 6    75.76 
 46 Colton Murphy [SR]         Rocky Mt.   1250-  48     73.95       0-24      7-16     28- 4    76.85 
 47 Noah Hofman [JR]           Ottawa AZ   1247-  51     73.06       1-17      3- 9     15- 5    76.95 
 48 Joao Megalhaes [SR]        Point       1246-  52     71.80       0-22      4-17     26-10    77.32 
 49 Zahidali Nathu [SR]        UBC         1246-  52     73.96       0-23      5-18     26- 6    76.76 
 50 Tyler Church [SR]          Stritch     1245-  53     73.01       0-14      5- 6     12- 6    78.55 
 51 William Bruyeres [SR]      Mt. Mercy   1244-  54     72.79       0-14      4- 9     16- 8    78.42 
 52 Wade Duke [SR]             Mobile      1240-  58     73.30       0- 9      2- 7     11- 7    77.18 
 53 Liam Gransden [SO]         Keiser      1238-  60     74.05       0-23      2-22     25-11    75.86 
 54 Jay Howard [JR]            Keiser      1237-  61     75.06       1- 8      4- 6     12- 6    76.07 
 55 Philip Nijoka [SR]         Loyola NO   1235-  63     72.94       0-23      4-19     19-14    76.88 
 56 Kyle Kidd [JR]             Coastal GA  1235-  63     74.28       0-18      4-16     17-12    76.24 
 57 Marc Sweeney [JR]          USCB        1234-  64     73.91       0-22      1-21     22-13    76.08 
 58 Sentanio Minnie [JR]       Waylnd Bap  1234-  64     74.27       0-24      3-22     24-10    75.97 
 59 Callum Blinkhorn [SO]      Lin.Wilson  1232-  66     71.20       0-22      2-20     20-17    77.35 
 60 Alberto Uriach [JR]        Webber Int  1232-  66     74.32       0-10      0-11      9-12    76.67 
 61 Chip Thompson [SO]         Coastal GA  1232-  66     74.30       0-23      0-24     27-10    76.05 
 62 Zachary Chegwidden [JR]    Wm. Penn    1232-  66     73.49       0- 3      2- 1     10- 2    79.50 
 63 Sam Ledbury [JR]           Thomas U.   1230-  68     73.69       0-22      1-21     18-17    76.30 
 64 Gaston Romero [SO]         OK City U.  1229-  69     74.32       0- 7      1- 6      8- 7    76.41 
 65 Coleman Houk [SR]          KWU         1229-  69     74.30       0-24      6-18     27- 8    78.91 
 66 Andre Becerra [SO]         Bellevue    1229-  69     74.37       0-24      4-20     27- 6    78.08 
 67 Reece Blair [SR]           UNOH        1228-  70     73.30       0-22      0-22     19-15    78.13 
 68 Hector Barnetche [FR]      Ottawa AZ   1227-  71     74.29       0-13      1- 6      7- 4    76.85 
 69 Phillip Heller             Wm. Woods   1227-  71     74.94       0-23      1-21     27- 8    77.44 
 70 Wes Butenbach [SR]         Park Univ   1225-  73     72.98       0- 1      1- 1      4- 2    80.07 
 71 Yannik Blase [FR]          Keiser      1225-  73     75.44       0-16      4- 9     10-11    75.65 
 72 Eric Wowor                 Point       1224-  74     73.21       0-22      2-20     15-20    77.30 
 73 Andres Padilla [FR]        SoEastrnU   1223-  75     73.67       0-16      2-14     13-11    76.42 
 74 Lucas Beck [FR]            Taylor U.   1221-  77     74.37       0-23      3-22     25-13    77.88 
 75 Jan Jedlicka [JR]          MO Valley   1220-  78     74.41       0-24      7-17     22-12    78.62 
 76 Hamish Gorn [SR]           MO Valley   1219-  79     74.30       0-24      2-22     21-14    78.83 
 77 Christian Brown [JR]       Keiser      1218-  80     74.44       0-23      0-24     19-16    75.76 
 78 Josh Miller [JR]           UVIC        1218-  80     73.40       0-23      3-22     12-19    77.00 
 79 Daymond Dollens [SR]       ColumbiaMO  1216-  82     73.79       0- 3      2- 3      8- 7    79.39 
 80 Chong Li Lee [FR]          Loyola NO   1215-  83     74.32       1- 3      1- 5      4- 7    77.51 
 81 Drake Stepter [SR]         GeorgtwnCo  1215-  83     73.84       0- 4      1- 3      4- 7    79.04 
 82 Cameron Luczka [SO]        IN Wesley.  1215-  83     73.83       0- 5      2- 2      5- 4    79.61 
 83 Thomas Pirinoli [JR]       Keiser      1214-  84     73.71       0- 9      1- 9      3-15    76.27 
 84 Eli Marty [SR]             Mart.Meth.  1213-  85     73.59       0- 0      2- 3      5- 5    78.35 
 85 Curtis Brokenbrow [SR]     MO Baptist  1212-  86     73.10       0- 2      1- 4      5-10    78.92 
 86 Michael Valk [SO]          Waylnd Bap  1212-  86     75.00       0-24      1-24     17-17    75.96 
 87 Hudson Huber [SR]          FHU         1211-  87     73.92       0- 0      1- 3      8- 3    78.62 
 88 Johannes Hounsgaard        Waylnd Bap  1210-  88     74.31       0-23      1-24     13-20    75.96 
 89 Brian Stockman [SR]        Thomas U.   1205-  93     75.21       0-22      1-21     14-21    76.28 
 90 Sebastien Tremulot [SO]    Waylnd Bap  1200-  98     74.96       0-24      0-25      8-26    75.96 
 91 Jin Ho (Peter) Choi [SR]   Sterling    1200-  98     74.57       0-12      1- 8     10-14    78.60 
 92 Chris Carew [SR]           C of I      1198- 100     73.89       0- 3      1- 1      0- 1    79.45 
 93 Matthew Cleary [SO]        Dalton St.  1198- 100     74.38       0-22      0-22     12-26    76.27 
 94 Alex Zillig [FR]           Bellevue    1197- 101     75.18       0-24      0-24     16-17    78.07 
 95 Daniel Gonzalez [JR]       StThomasFL  1195- 103     74.80       0- 9      0-10      4-13    76.89 
 96 Jens Bendiksen [SO]        JWU-FL      1195- 103     75.83       0-23      2-22     14-21    75.95 
 97 Tyler Pearson [SR]         IndianaE    1195- 103     74.07       0-22      0-22      8-25    79.63 
 98 Joe Baldeck [SR]           BenU-Mesa   1194- 104     73.34       0-24      0-23      2-26    77.14 
 99 Alex Gullett [SR]          Wm. Carey   1193- 105     74.89       0-23      0-23      6-37    76.76 
100 Nick Henderson [FR]        CumbrlndTN  1191- 107     73.89       0-22      0-22      5-30    77.13 
101 Jared Silva [SO]           JWU-FL      1190- 108     75.69       0-22      0-22     10-24    75.71 
102 Gustav Tegal [JR]          JWU-FL      1189- 109     75.45       0-23      0-24      6-30    75.98 
103 Matthew Nuttall [SR]       Faulkner    1188- 110     73.93       0- 8      0- 8      5-17    78.22 
104 Josh Wilson [SR]           LTU         1188- 110     74.07       0-10      3- 7      3-12    79.42 
105 Sport Allmond [JR]         Dalton St.  1188- 110     74.71       0-22      0-22      4-35    76.26 
106 Aaron Seabrook [SR]        Corban      1187- 111     75.20       0-16      2-10     10- 6    78.16 
107 Will Canipe [JR]           USCB        1186- 112     75.36       0-22      0-22      8-28    76.00 
108 Jay Williams [FR]          Marian IN   1186- 112     74.49       0- 2      0-10      4-18    78.76 
109 Caleb Badura [FR]          NWC- IA     1185- 113     73.55       0-23      0-22      2-30    79.11 
110 Ethan de Graaf [FR]        UBC         1181- 117     75.06       0-22      0-22      4-25    76.79 
111 Jacob Shamblin [SO]        Montreat    1179- 119     75.15       0- 4      0- 7      8- 8    78.58 
112 Sean Benson [SR]           MT Tech     1178- 120     73.15       0-23      0-22      0-29    77.50 
113 Alejandro Armijo [FR]      OR Tech     1178- 120     73.81       0-22      0-22      1-28    78.26 
114 Dayton Federley [SR]       Ottawa AZ   1177- 121     74.57       0-13      0- 7      1-11    76.77 
115 Austin Reitz [SR]          NWC- IA     1177- 121     74.39       1- 6      0- 2      7- 3    79.82 
116 Jordan Tieman [SO]         Shawnee St  1175- 123     73.56       0- 1      2- 0      1- 4    81.15 
117 Joe Brinkman [SR]          Mt Marty    1172- 126     73.80       0- 0      0- 0      0- 0    80.25 
118 Bryce Turner [SO]          St Fran IN  1171- 127     73.58       0- 2      0- 2      1- 6    79.45 
119 Dawson Day [JR]            True-McCon  1170- 128     73.91       0-22      0-22      1-33    77.51 
120 Jeremy Ray [SR]            Taylor U.   1170- 128     74.95       0-23      0-25      9-30    77.87 
121 Tyler Fieser [SR]          Wm. Woods   1169- 129     75.42       0-23      0-22      3-33    77.35 
122 Noah Martino [SO]          Mobile      1167- 131     74.72       0- 9      0- 9      6-13    77.16 
123 Nicholas Maff [JR]         SoEastrnU   1167- 131     75.07       0- 9      0-11      4-17    76.57 
124 Corey Matthey [JR]         Mside       1167- 131     74.13       0-24      0-23      1-32    78.67 
125 Jonny Cielak [JR]          Providence  1166- 132     74.41       0- 1      0- 4      0- 0    79.04 
126 Chris Whitney [JR]         Reinhardt   1165- 133     74.85       0- 8      0- 6      1-17    78.18 
127 Zach Womack [FR]           Dalton St.  1165- 133     73.99       0-22      1-21      5-31    76.72 
128 Jonathan Graf [FR]         Park Univ   1164- 134     73.96       0- 1      0- 2      2- 5    79.83 
129 William Nimmo [SO]         SCAD Sav    1163- 135     75.76       0- 9      0-11      3-17    76.46 
130 Roger Maynard [JR]         UPike       1161- 137     73.83       0- 0      0- 0      0- 3    80.65 
131 Tom Farrow-Smith [JR]      Keiser      1158- 140     75.51       0- 8      0- 4      2-14    76.49 
132 Sam Storey [FR]            Mside       1157- 141     74.02       0-24      0-23      2-31    78.68 
133 Ryan Hicks [SR]            Loyola NO   1156- 142     74.94       0- 4      0- 6      2-10    77.50 
134 Tanner Harris [SO]         TWU         1155- 143     74.77       0- 3      0- 7      2-10    78.47 
135 Spencer Lebarbera [JR]     C Baptist   1155- 143     74.57       0- 5      0- 4      3-10    79.68 
136 Colin Casey [JR]           Menlo       1154- 144     75.01       0- 2      0- 1      0- 1    77.57 
137 Matt Percy [JR]            Park Univ   1151- 147     74.18       0- 1      0- 2      0- 7    80.04 
138 Veerapat Bhasavanich [JR]  USCB        1150- 148     75.52       0-16      0-16      2-24    76.01 
139 Robert Penalber [SR]       Master's    1149- 149     75.19       0-24      0-24      0-33    76.98 
140 Floris-Jan Oosterhof [FR]  Bellevue    1146- 152     75.71       0-23      0-22      7-25    78.26 
141 Fredrik Ingul [SO]         Menlo       1145- 153     75.61       0- 5      0- 3      1- 1    77.85 
142 Alejandro Guillen [SO]     SCAD Sav    1145- 153     76.19       0- 9      0-11      2-18    76.45 
143 Ryan Wikel [SO]            StThomasFL  1143- 155     76.19       0- 8      0- 7      1-16    76.80 
144 Nate Morris [JR]           Taylor U.   1142- 156     75.69       0-23      0-25      3-36    77.86 
145 Nick Fantasia              JWU-FL      1141- 157     76.54       0- 8      0- 7      0-16    75.96 
146 Zhao Yung Gu               OLLU        1140- 158     74.27       0-23      0-24      0-30    76.65 
147 Graeme Brunet [SR]         Southwest   1140- 158     74.40       0-10      0- 6      1-10    77.73 
148 Daniel Sun [FR]            Ottawa AZ   1140- 158     75.33       0-17      1-12      1-19    76.96 
149 HoTae Kim [SR]             Rocky Mt.   1140- 158     76.09       0-24      0-24      1-31    76.81 
150 Noah Whittington [JR]      Mobile      1138- 160     75.05       0- 9      0- 9      5-14    77.15