Golfstat Cup Standings

Release Date: 11-03-2009
Minimum Rounds Played: 5
Previous Releases

                                                Scoring  Adjust.
     Name                  Yr  School      Rds  Average   Avg. *
   1 Diego Velasquez       SR  Oregon St.    8   68.75    68.75
   2 Kelly Kraft           JR  SMU          13   69.77   +0.717
   3 Dustin Garza          SR  Wichita St   15   70.27   +0.958
   4 Bhavik Patel          SO  Fresno St.    5   69.00   +1.030
   5 Bud Cauley            SO  Alabama       7   71.29   +1.038
   6 Scott Travers         SR  SantaClara   12   68.92   +1.149
   7 Brett Munson          SR  N. Alabama   10   69.20   +1.345
   8 Peter Uihlein         SO  Okla. St.     9   71.67   +1.356
   9 M.Etienne Bussieres   SR  So Alabama   11   70.27   +1.359
  10 Derek Ernst           SO  UNLV         13   70.31   +1.363
  11 Cedric Scotto         JR  S.E. La.      9   69.44   +1.364
  12 Lucas Bogdan          SR  N'wood-TX     8   70.88   +1.430
  13 Patricio Salem        SR  Lynn U.      10   69.50   +1.474
  14 Jared Becher          SR  Nevada       12   70.08   +1.555
  15 Ben Pisani            SR  Minnesota    14   70.14   +1.559
  16 Braeden Cryderman     SO  Queens-Cha    6   70.00   +1.573
  17 J.T. Griffin          JR  Ga. Tech     10   70.20   +1.611
  18 Nils Floren           JR  Texas Tech    9   70.89   +1.636
  19 Chris Carlin          JR  Barry U.     10   69.70   +1.674
  20 Seath Lauer           SR  Florida St   11   70.73   +1.732
  21 Espen Kofstad         SR  Denver        9   71.56   +1.736
  22 Eric Lilleboe         SR  Ferris St.   14   70.00   +1.795
  23 John Peterson         JR  LSU          11   70.82   +1.809
  24 Jonathan Randolph     JR  Ole Miss     13   70.08   +1.815
  25 Sean Dale             SO  N. Florida   11   70.27   +1.821
  26 Chesley Gunn          SR  ValdostaSt   10   70.80   +1.822
  27 Brooks Koepka         SO  Florida St    8   70.75   +1.893
  28 Alvaro Arizabaleta    FR  S.E. La.      6   70.50   +1.941
  29 Cody Gribble          FR  Texas        10   70.80   +1.951
  30 Ben Kohles            SO  Virginia     15   70.80   +2.022
  31 Scott Langley         JR  Illinois     12   71.67   +2.033
  32 Russell Henley        JR  Georgia      11   71.64   +2.066
  33 Trent Whitekiller     SR  Okla. St.     9   72.44   +2.134
  34 Tyler Morris          JR  SanDiegoSt    5   69.80   +2.134
  35 Eugene Wong           SO  Oregon        8   70.00   +2.187
  36 Matt Thompson         SO  Michigan     14   71.14   +2.253
  37 David Lingmerth       SR  Arkansas     13   70.77   +2.264
  38 Mitchell Gregson      SR  Kansas St.   14   71.07   +2.273
  39 Nate Barbee           JR  Kansas       14   71.29   +2.285
  40 Brendan Gielow        SR  Wk. Forest    9   71.56   +2.292
  41 Robert McRae          SR  St. Mary's    9   70.78   +2.318
  42 Thomas Muto, Jr.      SR  Barton        9   70.78   +2.321
  43 Tom Whitney           SR  Air Force    12   70.83   +2.342
  44 Sam Ryder             SO  Stetson      12   70.50   +2.372
  45 George Bryan IV       SR  S Carolina   11   72.09   +2.378
  46 Kevin Foley           SR  Penn State   14   71.43   +2.382
  47 Sihwan Kim            JR  Stanford      9   72.11   +2.397
  48 Ben Murray            JR  San Diego    12   71.17   +2.412
  49 Zack Fischer          JR  UTA          12   71.75   +2.412
  50 Tain Lee              SO  CMS           6   69.83   +2.418
  51 Gabe Maier            JR  Wyoming      15   71.27   +2.424
  52 Andrew Vijarro        SO  Oregon        8   70.25   +2.437
  53 Matt Hill             JR  NC State      9   72.11   +2.449
  54 Garrett Medeiros      SR  Wofford       9   71.33   +2.455
  55 Scott Kelly           JR  SHSU         14   71.86   +2.456
  56 Kent Bulle            SR  M. Tenn      11   71.36   +2.460
  57 Scott Pinckney        JR  Arizona St    9   72.78   +2.467
  58 Daniel Miernicki      SO  Oregon        5   69.40   +2.475
  59 Josh Manske           SO  Grand View   10   72.00   +2.493
  60 Stephan Jaeger        SO  Chatt        11   72.09   +2.493
  61 Mike Barry            SR  Oregon St.    8   71.25   +2.500
  62 Corey Nagy            SR  Charlotte    11   71.64   +2.508
  63 Robin Wingardh        JR  Tennessee    12   71.67   +2.512
  64 Jake Johnson          SO  Sac State    12   71.33   +2.512
  65 Josh Schrader         SR  Methodist    11   72.09   +2.525
  66 Stephen Hale          JR  California   11   71.00   +2.542
  67 Michael Drake         SR  Long Beach    6   70.83   +2.549
  68 Dylan Frittelli       SO  Texas        10   71.20   +2.559
  69 Henrik Norlander      JR  Augusta St   11   71.36   +2.568
  70 Andrea Pavan          SR  Texas A&M    12   72.17   +2.585
  71 Austin Graham         JR  UC Davis     12   71.58   +2.589
  72 Ken Looper            JR  N. Orleans    9   71.33   +2.604
  73 Jeff Karlsson         SO  KennesawSt   12   71.67   +2.607
  74 Ben Lasso             SO  Queens-Cha    7   71.14   +2.633
  75 Eric Mina             JR  California   11   71.09   +2.633
  76 Timothy Madigan       JR  N. Mex. St   12   71.25   +2.634
  77 Andres Echavarria     JR  Florida       9   72.00   +2.646
  78 Nick Delio            JR  CSUN         12   70.92   +2.649
  79 Johan Carlsson        JR  SanDiegoSt    8   71.38   +2.663
  80 David Byrne           SR  Detroit      11   71.64   +2.669
  81 Rhys Enoch            JR  ETSU         10   71.80   +2.673
  82 Darren Renwick        SO  Tennessee    12   71.83   +2.678
  83 Riley Arp             SR  Col. St.     14   71.29   +2.680
  84 John Paton            SO  Oregon        8   70.50   +2.687
  85 Jade Scott            FR  Rice         12   71.75   +2.708
  86 Nick Taylor           SR  Washington   12   72.58   +2.717
  87 Josh Gallman          SR  USCUpstate   10   70.40   +2.719
  88 Ben Silverman         SR  FLA Atlan.    6   71.50   +2.730
  89 Henry Zaytoun         JR  N Carolina   12   71.42   +2.730
  90 Colby Smith           SO  UNLV         13   71.69   +2.747
  91 Ryan Zabroske         SR  Ga. South    15   71.47   +2.751
  92 Jason Shano           JR  San Diego     9   71.44   +2.783
  93 Tyler Russell         FR  McLnan CC     9   70.22   +2.787
  94 Kevin Tucker          SR  Wash. St.    16   71.50   +2.802
  95 Daniel Jennevret      FR  TCU           9   73.11   +2.813
  96 Jack Fields           SO  N Carolina   12   71.50   +2.814
  97 Gunner Wiebe          JR  San Diego    12   71.58   +2.828
  98 Adam Barkow           JR  Fresno St.    5   70.80   +2.830
  99 James Kwon            SO  SMU           6   71.83   +2.835
 100 Ben Herrera           SR  Iowa State   15   71.53   +2.838
 101 Joe Kinney            SR  Kansas St.   14   71.64   +2.844
 102 Joakim Mikkelsen      SO  Baylor       15   71.80   +2.860
 103 Harris English        JR  Georgia      11   72.45   +2.884
 104 Marshall Bailey       JR  Va. Tech     11   72.00   +2.897
 105 Andrew Loupe          JR  LSU          11   71.91   +2.900
 106 Kyle Souza            SO  Chico St.    10   71.30   +2.906
 107 James Erkenbeck       SO  New Mexico   14   72.21   +2.909
 108 Kyle Kopsick          SO  Auburn       13   71.31   +2.910
 109 Morgan Hoffmann       SO  Okla. St.     9   73.22   +2.912
 110 Brad Hopfinger        JR  Iowa         15   71.93   +2.913
 111 Donald Constable      JR  Texas         9   72.00   +2.914
 112 Craig Gibson          SO  GA SWern      8   71.13   +2.934
 113 Lloyd du Preez        JR  Ark. St.     11   71.73   +2.961
 114 Hudson Johnson        SR  Vanderbilt    8   71.75   +2.970
 115 Joe Young             JR  GA College   12   71.08   +2.979
 116 Jace Long             SO  Missouri     18   72.44   +2.984
 117 James White           SO  Ga. Tech      7   71.43   +2.998
 118 Cameron Peck          FR  Texas A&M    12   72.58   +3.002
 119 Gideon Pienaar        JR  Cent. Ark.   11   71.73   +3.005
 120 Mackenzie Hughes      SO  Kent State   15   72.27   +3.008
 121 Justin Lower          JR  Malone       10   72.50   +3.008
 122 Juan Salcedo          SO  McLnan CC     9   70.44   +3.009
 123 Trent Ka'ahanui       SO  SouthMntCC    7   71.29   +3.019
 124 Marcus Segerstrom     FR  Rocky Mt.     9   70.11   +3.021
 125 Amory Davis           JR  Virginia     15   71.80   +3.022
 126 Daniel Bowden         SR  Furman       12   71.83   +3.064
 127 Stephen Swanepoel     SO  CSU           9   71.44   +3.069
 128 Jason Millard         JR  M. Tenn      11   72.00   +3.096
 129 Liam Friedman         SR  Methodist     7   72.86   +3.103
 130 Scott Clayton         SR  UC-Rvrside   12   71.58   +3.105
 131 Justin Yoder          SR  Central Mo   11   72.27   +3.118
 132 Hunter Hamrick        SO  Alabama      10   73.00   +3.139
 133 Alex Carpenter        FR  Abilene Ch    9   71.78   +3.153
 134 Ben Tewes             SR  SMU          13   72.23   +3.178
 135 Joseph Harrison       SO  San Diego     9   71.78   +3.179
 136 Loren Bunting         JR  SCAD          8   72.38   +3.191
 137 Linus Gillgren        JR  UALR         15   72.13   +3.194
 138 Mitchell Krywulycz    JR  Augusta St   11   72.00   +3.204
 139 Brett Cairns          JR  Kent State   15   72.47   +3.208
 140 Scott Lamb                SantaClara    6   71.50   +3.216
 141 Ryan Haselden         JR  Vanderbilt    8   72.00   +3.220
 142 Kyle Peterman         SR  W Illinois   14   72.00   +3.229
 143 Grant Doverspike      SR  Fresno St.    5   71.20   +3.230
 144 Steve Lee             FR  Memphis       6   72.17   +3.235
 145 Cody Schweinefus      JR  Drake         5   71.20   +3.238
 146 Charlie Hoyle         SR  Lander U.     9   71.78   +3.244
 147 Casey Johnson         SR  Appal. St.   12   71.50   +3.247
 148 Seth Fair             SR  Indy, U of   15   71.87   +3.250
 149 Lion Kim              JR  Michigan     14   72.14   +3.253
 150 Brock Crosson         SR  TX@Brnsvil    9   71.56   +3.256
 151 Travis Woolf          SR  TCU           9   73.56   +3.257
 152 Hudson Keener         JR  LaGrange      9   72.44   +3.258
 153 Dykes Harbin          FR  S Carolina    5   73.00   +3.267
 154 Sebastian Szirmak     SO  N. Orleans    9   72.00   +3.271
 155 Daniel Kim            FR  Gard.-Webb   12   73.17   +3.276
 156 Hunter Green          SO  M. Tenn      11   72.18   +3.278
 157 Tarquin Macmanus      JR  Arizona       9   71.56   +3.278
 158 Brandon Crick         SR  Nebraska     15   72.27   +3.279
 159 Brinson Paolini       FR  Duke          9   72.78   +3.284
 160 Chesson Hadley        SR  Ga. Tech      7   71.71   +3.284
 161 David Chung           SO  Stanford      9   73.00   +3.286
 162 Danny Lewis           JR  N.Kentucky   12   72.50   +3.292
 163 Isaiah Telles         JR  Oregon        8   71.13   +3.312
 164 Bobby Fredeking       SO  Jack'ville   12   72.25   +3.313
 165 Boris Stantchev       FR  Loyola-Mar   12   71.67   +3.315
 166 Casey Faught          FR  Rocky Mt.     6   70.50   +3.317
 167 John Chin             SR  UC-Irvine     8   71.25   +3.319
 168 Clarke Fry            SO  Rockhurst     9   71.33   +3.323
 169 Geoff Shaw            SO  Texas A&M    12   72.92   +3.335
 170 Brad Revell           SR  NC State      9   73.00   +3.338
 171 Brandon Ellis         SR  UT Tyler      7   71.71   +3.351
 172 Benjamin Bauch        FR  Pacific       6   70.67   +3.356
 173 Knut Borsheim         SR  Arizona St    9   73.67   +3.356
 174 Zach Zaremba          JR  Wyoming      15   72.20   +3.357
 175 Jack Hiluta           JR  So Alabama   11   72.27   +3.359
 176 Daniel Mazziotta      JR  FL GulfCoU   14   72.21   +3.364
 177 Morten Madsen         SO  Oregon St.    8   72.13   +3.375
 178 Patrick Rada          SR  S Carolina   11   73.09   +3.378
 179 Justin Bardgett       SR  Colorado     11   72.09   +3.379
 180 Tyler Nelson          SR  Linfield     10   70.90   +3.382
 181 Zach Primavera        SO  Cent Al CC   10   71.10   +3.384
     Brandt Garon          FR  Meridn CC    10   71.10   +3.384
 183 Scott Smith           JR  Nevada       12   71.92   +3.388
 184 Michael Weaver        FR  California    5   71.80   +3.389
 185 Andrew Putnam         JR  Pepperdine   12   72.75   +3.406
 186 Alex Martin           SR  Indiana      17   72.35   +3.407
 187 Kyle Scott            JR  Ga. Tech     10   72.00   +3.411
 188 Chris Ward            SR  Texas Tech    9   72.67   +3.414
 189 Eric Steger           JR  Ball State   17   71.76   +3.416
 190 Jamie Marshall        JR  Arkansas     13   71.92   +3.418
 191 Philipp Fendt         SO  LA-Lafayet   12   72.33   +3.419
 192 Alex Moore            SO  Oregon St.    5   72.00   +3.419
 193 David Holmes          SR  Tennessee    12   72.58   +3.428
 194 Steve Bidne           JR  N.Colorado   15   72.13   +3.433
 195 Phillip Choi          FR  Florida       6   72.83   +3.434
 196 Tom Robson            SO  J'ville St    6   71.83   +3.441
 197 Lanto Griffin         SR  VCU          14   72.43   +3.441
 198 David Watkins         SO  ECU           9   72.33   +3.443
 199 Rodolfo Cazaubon      FR  N. Texas      6   71.83   +3.451
 200 Mark Joye             FR  Wofford       9   72.33   +3.455
 201 Kevin Phelan          FR  N. Florida   11   71.91   +3.457
 202 Camden Nicholson      FR  Utah         14   72.00   +3.458
 203 Ben Blundell          SR  Oklahoma      7   72.43   +3.461
 204 Zahkai Brown          SO  Col. St.     14   72.07   +3.466
 205 Richard Lee           SR  Washington   12   73.33   +3.467
 206 Carlos Velez          SR  Barry U.     10   71.50   +3.474
 207 John Hahn             JR  Kent State   15   72.73   +3.475
 208 Jack Newman           SR  Mich. St.    15   72.53   +3.478
 209 Fredrik Qvicker       SR  Chatt        11   73.09   +3.493
 210 Joey Rippel           FR  UT Tyler      7   71.86   +3.494
 211 Thomas G. Pederson    SO  FPhillips     6   71.67   +3.497
 212 Glen Scher            FR  UC-SaBarba    6   70.83   +3.522
 213 Bryan Pierce          JR  Cal Poly     10   71.60   +3.524
 214 Drew Koonce           SR  TX Wesley     9   72.44   +3.533
 215 Luke Guthrie          SO  Illinois     12   73.17   +3.533
 216 Ricky Stout           SR  W Carolina   11   71.91   +3.555
 217 Joe Ida               SR  Kansas St.   14   72.36   +3.559
 218 Tom Hayes             JR  SCAD          8   72.75   +3.566
 219 Patrick Bauer         JR  Sonoma St.    9   73.78   +3.569
 220 Will Dusenbury        FR  Dallas Bap   10   72.40   +3.573
 221 Victor Billskoog      SR  Barry U.     10   71.60   +3.574
 222 Chris Bray            JR  Flagler      10   73.00   +3.582
 223 John Hurley           JR  Texas A&M    12   73.17   +3.585
 224 Elliot Groves         SO  WesternTX    11   70.73   +3.586
 225 Christopher Marsh     SR  Coker         8   71.38   +3.588
 226 J.P. Putnam           SR  KennesawSt   12   72.67   +3.607
 227 Martin Trainer        FR  USC           9   73.44   +3.611
 228 Abraham Ancer         FR  Odessa CC    13   71.31   +3.621
 229 Michael Whitehead     JR  Rice         12   72.67   +3.624
 230 Charlie Hughes        FR  Washington   11   73.18   +3.635
 231 Chris Morris          JR  Centre Col    8   72.00   +3.638
 232 Jad Sinclair          JR  Cent. Ark.   11   72.36   +3.642
 233 Daniel Stanley        JR  Newberry      9   71.33   +3.647
 234 Jake Sarnoff          SO  Loyola-Mar   12   72.00   +3.649
 235 Paul Woodbury         SR  S Carolina   11   73.36   +3.651
 236 Rafael Campos         SR  VCU          14   72.64   +3.656
 237 Wes Roach             JR  Duke          6   72.67   +3.659
 238 Peter Latimer         SR  Guilford     12   72.67   +3.664
 239 Connor McHenry        SR  Wichita St   14   72.86   +3.666
 240 Bennett Smith         SR  Dallas Bap   10   72.50   +3.673
 241 Zach Fullerton        SO  NMJC         11   71.55   +3.675
 242 Jeremy Lambright      SO  McLnan CC     9   71.11   +3.676
 243 Michael Loppnow       JR  Waylnd Bap   11   71.91   +3.679
 244 Blaise Wilson         FR  WalaceStCC   10   71.40   +3.684
 245 Patrick Reed          SO  Augusta St    5   72.60   +3.692
 246 Josh Boswell          JR  N'east. St   10   73.40   +3.696
 247 Lucas Murray          JR  Akron        14   72.14   +3.697
 248 Brad Robinson         SR  Carson-New   11   71.64   +3.703
 249 Michael Buttacavoli   SR  Rice         12   72.75   +3.708
 250 Matthew Malloure      SR  Gnd Valley   11   72.36   +3.714

  D2 Leader: Brett Munson          SR  N. Alabama  69.20
  D3 Leader: Tain Lee              SO  CMS         69.83
NAIA Leader: Lucas Bogdan          SR  N'wood-TX   70.88
  JC Leader: Tyler Russell         FR  McLnan CC   70.22

   Release Dates will be periodic in the Fall and every      
   Monday in the Spring through the National Championships.  

 * The Scoring Average is adjusted for par and conditions.   
   To qualify for the Golfstat Cup, the golfer must be       
   eligible for inclusion in the NCAA, NAIA, or JC Rating,   
   have played in a minimum of 20 stroke play rounds by the  
   end of the season, and been disqualified or withdrawn     
   from no more than one stroke play Tournament during the   
   College Golf Season.

     Previous Winners:
     2008-09  Matt Hill           NC State         70.11
     2007-08  Rickie Fowler       Oklahoma State   71.11
     2006-07  Jamie Lovemark      Southern Cal     70.10
     2005-06  Pablo Martin        Oklahoma State   70.40
     2004-05  Ryan Moore          UNLV             69.29
     2003-04  Bill Haas           Wake Forest      68.93
     2002-03  Hunter Mahan        Oklahoma State   70.62
     2001-02  Graeme McDowell     UAB              69.87
     2000-01  Bryce Molder        Georgia Tech     69.43
     1999-00  Charles Howell      Oklahoma State   69.57
     1998-99  Luke Donald         Northwestern     70.45
     1997-98  Matt Kuchar         Georgia Tech     70.80
     1996-97  Chris Hanell        Arizona State    71.44
     1995-96  Tiger Woods         Stanford         70.61